On The Map

As part of the ongoing support of National Lodge, and to let everyone know around the area, that a Masonic Lodge resides within the city of Barberton, we approved to have Road Signs made and put up around the city where the corporation limit signs are currently placed. The bold masonic emblem, and National Lodge No. 568, proudly displayed, will ensure anyone entering the city knows that we exist and support the city of Barberton.

Bro Christopher W.R. Schill spearheaded this project. He worked closely with the city, providing artwork, and general locations around the area where existing corporation signs are placed. We appreciate Bro Schill’s effort in recognizing the need for these signs and putting together the idea to promote National Lodge within the city. There will be 10 signs erected around the city, and I’m sure one of them will catch your eye as you travel the area. The map below shows the approx. locations for the signs.