Junior Warden Message


Greetings Brethren,

I hope this message finds you all in good health and wellbeing. The Fall season is upon us! Take time to enjoy the downshift in the temperatures and the beautiful scenery of the changes of nature. If you got time after that… come enjoy lodge with brethren. We should be in store for some great degree work coming.  Our Worshipful Master has things planned out for this month that would give us all an opportunity to enjoy the fellowship. I cannot wait to see you all.

I also would like to say the Bologna Fest was great this past month. Brothers showed up and helped tremendously. Even with the rain the beautiful community of Barberton showed up and supported us! I enjoyed myself and the time I shared working with the brethren.

Once again, I wish you all peace and good health. I hope to see you soon.


Tyson T. Trammell, P.M. – Pro-Tem
