Junior Warden Message



I hope this message finds you all in great health and wellbeing! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter Sunday!  

Inspection season has concluded and I must say we saw some great degree work in the 21st and surrounding districts!  I truly enjoyed what I saw from the lodges I visited. I would also like to commend National Lodge brothers for traveling in numbers to the inspections. That Traveling Gavel seemed to sleep on Hopocan like it was a tenant!

As spring showers bring spring flowers, hopefully some of our new brothers will bloom and be ready for the next degree. It would be nice to fill the schedule with degree work before July. Congratulations on Bro. Brian Overholt on being passed to the degree of FellowCraft. The hard work he is putting in is showing and I am eager to see him raised.

I hope to see you all soon brethren.  Until then, travel light.


Tyson T. Trammell – Pro-Tem
