Ill & Confined Brothers
Our prayers and best wishes to the Brothers whom we know to be ill or confined. To the Brothers listed below, we would appreciate very much hearing from you and bringing us up to date as to how you are doing. At our stated meetings we do report to the Brothers about those of you who are in need of our thoughts and prayers.
Ernest E. Lyons Richard F. Sutton Frank F Bischoff Greg Myers James R. Moore Walter A. Landals C. Dale Pennington
To the Brothers who are ill and/or confined (who are not listed), we do have you in our thoughts and prayers.
We would truly appreciate a word from you so that your Masonic Brothers could be informed.
In Memoriam
The following brothers have passed to the celestial lodge above and our deepest sympathy is extended to the family and friends of our departed brothers.
Masonic Years
Bro Gregory W. Myers, Jr. (60-Year member) ……………………………………1955-2023